Thor: Bedding the Wolf

May 11, 2012 21:40

This story has a much cleverer Thor then I am use to...not that I am saying he is dumb or anything, just very straight forward. It was nice to read him being sneaky for once. And I guess he had to be in order to out maneuvering Loki and get what he wanted..Loki as his consort. Though the thing that struck me the most, that resinated long after I finished reading the story was how much Loki hated himself, his heritage.

This story contains different mores then most people have today, though what do you expect from a demi-god who lived for hundred of years and royalty to boot? Thor and Loki's relationship is so fucked up... I love it!

This story contains rape/noncon so if it is not your thing, take a pass.

Title: Bedding the Wolf
Pairing: Loki/Thor
Rating: Explicit
Summary: If Sif thinks she's going to get away with wedding Loki's idiot brother, then she's sorely mistaken...OR...Thor is smarter than Loki thinks he is...

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fandom:thor, author:leonidaslion, status:complete, pairing:loki/thor, fandom:avengers

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