Rome: Qui Tacet Consentit

Mar 10, 2012 22:11

What can I say? I love power dynamics. Pre-series. Antony sets his eye on Vorenus who he is determined to have. What follows is a seduction of dubious consent at best. Plus you got to love the Roman's sexual mores. Twisted in the best possible way. I doubt it's historically accurate so if that is your thing, you would probably be disappointed. I am just bummed that the courier arrived. I was so looking forward to an encore.

Title: Qui Tacet Consentit
Author: Melina
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Antony/Vorenus
Summary: Mark Antony has a moral compass, but as a young soldier named Lucius Vorenus discovers, its needle doesn't point due north.

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fandom:rome, pairing:antony/vorenus, status: complete, kink:dubcon

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