Dresden Files: The Last of These (WIP)

Jan 29, 2012 23:35

This is not a rec per se. There isn't enough of the story written to tell one way or the other; but it looks promising. It also looks like it might end up being a long story, if the author doesn't rush it. Again, there isn't enough written to tell. If you like living on the edge, you just might want to follow it. Twenty-ish days between updates.

Titles: The Last of These
Paring: Harry Dresden/Johnny Marcone, Sigrun Gard/Nathan "Cujo" Hendricks
Rating: Mature
Summary: Thanks to the weregild paid for Mag's death, the fomor can't directly attack Marcone in retaliation without violating the Accords. That doesn't stop them from finding strategically placed clients or from selling Pandora's Jar to a Chicago bar whose clientele start becoming increasingly more worrisome.

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status:wip, pairing:gard/hendricks, fandom:dresden files, pairing:dresden/marcone

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