Teen Wolf (2011): Trying to Track Colours in a Kaleidoscope

Aug 21, 2011 22:52

The first in a series of story, where Stiles ask Derek to claim him in order to keep him and his day safe. Of course, nothing is ever simple and there are always unforeseen complications as Derek and Stiles are about to discover. This series is far from over.

Title: Trying to Track Colours in a Kaleidoscope
Author: zooeyrye
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He doesn’t notice Derek until the werewolf is crouched down in front of him. There’s blood on his face, rips in his clothes, and he looks close to puking, but he holds out his hand, helps Stiles to his feet, and together they limp out of the room, down the corridor, and out to Stiles’ car.

Read the story

Sequels: The Opening to Many a Horror Flick, Like the World’s Given Them a Brief Reprieve, Like Ghost Stories Friends Tell Each Other, A Sudden Wave of Vertigo

Update: Guys Go Into Dark Hallways Together, Everything Will Look Brighter After the War, Trying to Beat the Lightning Home

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author:zooeyrye, fandom:teen wolf, wip, pairing:derek/stiles

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