Hawaii Five-0: All My Guards Away

Mar 31, 2011 14:26

Okay I take that back about humor being a staple of H5-O fic. It clearly isn't I was disappointed with Danny's decision at the end of the episode 1x18. This is the way it should of ended. I would say more, but I am trying to be sensitive to people who do not like to be spoiled. I am not one of those people btw. My motto is "Spoil me, spoil me, spoil me rotten." *g* Yes I am one of those people who reads the ending of a story first.

Title: All My Guards Away
Author: sheafrotherdon
Rating: R
Pairing: Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams
Summary: Tag to 1x18, with all the heartache that implies. Now with bonus fixing.

Read the story.

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fandom:hawaii five-0

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