Sherlock: Getting Better

Mar 15, 2011 14:06

The prompt was to write a story where both John and Sherlock are dads when they meet. It's a kid fic with two original characters central to the story line. I admit I am usually wary of original characters; however, I adore Tristram and Emily. This story is told from Tristram point of view. It is not easy to tell a tale from the point of view of a child but onedergirl29 does it flawlessly.

Title: Getting Better
Author: onedergirl29
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Mostly Gen, Sherlock/John UST
Summary: Tristram Holmes dreads attending his new primary school, fearing he'll be teased and bullied as usual. Only, nothing goes exactly as he thinks it will when he finds himself with a seemingly unlikely friend in Emily Watson.

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