Any recs for me?

Jan 30, 2011 13:30

So I recently discovered Morgan/Reid (Criminal Minds) fic. No worries I am still very much in love with Sherlock and Smallville (Clex forever!!!). Oh and new Buck/Chris (M7) fic are always a pleasure to find. I just read really fast and I need to read something while waiting for new stories/updates. Anyway Morgan/, love, love the pairing; but they are not the simplest pairing to write. I've read a few stories and they're not bad. They are entertaining; but I can't help feeling there is something missing. They just read a little off to me. I am not sure if I am making any sense here... Whatever!

Getting back to the subject of this post...I am looking for Morgan/Reid stories, specifically first time; but established relationship are good to. Have you read any that you can recommend?

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fandom:criminal minds

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