Sherlock/His Dark Materials: The Republic of Heaven (WIP)

Dec 29, 2010 19:06

I never heard of His Dark Materials until Sherlock/HDM crossovers started to appear, a quick trip to wikipedia filled in the blanks. Crossovers are tricky. It's not easy to blend two different universes; but blind-author has done it seamlessly. I am in love with this story. I don't know what I like best, the slow agonizing (for the readers) development of Sherlock and John's relationship or the way the author merged the universes.

Title: The Republic of Heaven
Author: blind-author
Rating: Maybe PG-13? At least at the moment...
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Summary: Another HDM fic, but I just couldn't resist. Born to a witch and a human, people know Sherlock will be unusual from the start. John Watson, on the other hand, seems perfectly ordinary, except for his dæmon...

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fandom:his dark materials, fandom:sherlock

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