Sherlock: The difficulties of time

Dec 04, 2010 18:16

I am not sure how to explain this fic and why I like it. The two words that come to mind is grief and obsession. I found it painful to read, but compelling like watching a car wreck in slow motion, but in a good way. I think this story will stay with me for some time to come.

It also, like all stories I like, left me wanting more. I would love to read a companion piece (actually several) describing the same events from the other character's point of view. I am curious about Lestrade take on things, and what was it that Sally saw when she ran into Sherlock that frightened her and above all I want to know Mycroft thoughts, since he seems to be at the center of everything.

Title: The difficulties of time
Author: adethelemons
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson implied
Summary: Written for a prompt on BBC Sherlock kink meme - "Sherlock's not the one that disappears and is presumed dead for three years. It's John."

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