(no subject)

Mar 19, 2005 11:35

I'm taking VB.net now and we're learning data validation. I'm so proud of this fuction I wrote!

Private Function ValidSalvageNumber(ByVal txtOjbect As TextBox, ByVal txtAssetCost As TextBox) As Boolean
Dim sng25PercAssetCost As Single

If IsNumeric(txtOjbect.Text) Then
sng25PercAssetCost = CSng(txtAssetCost.Text) * 0.25
sng25PercAssetCost = sng25PercAssetCost + CSng(txtAssetCost.Text)
If CSng(txtOjbect.Text) >= 0 And CSng(txtOjbect.Text) <= sng25PercAssetCost Then
errMessage.SetError(txtOjbect, "")
Return True
errMessage.SetError _
(txtOjbect, "Number can not be less than 0 and has to be greater then 25% of the asset cost.")
Return False
End If
End If
End Function

Here is the program. Try it yourself!!

Nerd power!
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