hans&leslie.jpg, originally uploaded by
Hans! i love this pic of us. We look so clear, but I am quite sure that we were not, in that substantive way. If you know what I mean.
Thank you Hans for convincing me to go to BM again after a 10 year Hiatus. It was a brilliant year. It was Hans who brought me into the fold of the pigs. I am pretty sure he knew that this would be a match, he was right!
I remember how generous he is. how he just wanted to ensure that all of the new burners were being exposed to BM in just the right kind of way. He bent over backwards to do that. I was so impressed by that.
I remember how we had opposing schedules at the burn. I became a daytime burner waking up when the sun came up. He would be arriving to the tent just as I was waking, ready to sleep during the hottest time of the day. He loved the night time and thrived in the darkness and the blinky lights. I would come back to the tent and mist him b.c I knew how interminably hot it was in there. And how he would just be sweating relentlessly. Tried to make it a little more comfy for him.
I remember when he wanted me to get on Arnold for the first ride out on the playa since Arnold had gotten there (2006). There had been many days to repair Arnold and now he was ready to ride! I had taken some ibuprofen with something stronger in them for a horrific headache.. 3 of them against my better judgment. Hans came into the tent and insisted even though I was clearly completely out of sorts, sobbing even, "leslie, you have to do this, you will regret it if you don't!" So I did, stumbling, crying, protesting against this brutal re-awakening. But Hans insisted, And so entrance into Arnold was through his anus, I was not happy but knew that at some point, this would make an awesome story. And so now I recount that moment. Thankful for Hans' sense of humor, his love, his encouragement, his insistence. His wonderfully welcoming spirit. It was a wonderful night on Arnold and there were several more wonderful nights to come. It was a wonderful night with Hans too. I was not a newbie, but he showed me his Burning Man too.
I will so miss you Hans and my heart, well right now, it is so full of you.