Playa sky, originally uploaded by
I had such a remarkable time on the playa this year.
I do have to say that going there nearly 2 months earlier with Marcy really made my adjustment period minimal.
I adjusted fast. I loved, I ate, I laughed, I was sass, I was ass, I felt, i let go, I met, I was met, I was loved, I was cherished, I cherished, I was adventurous, i was a slug, I was sexy, i was plain, I was full, I was not empty, I was big, I became medium, I was crushed out and never crushed - oh wait, i had one melt down, I didn't sleep, I did have fun sexytime, I was surprised, I was never bored, i wanted, i got, I was lonely, I was not lonely.
I cannot really say what exactly happened to me out there. But I can say that it was exactly what I needed.
Community was built - profoundly, hardily.
I am still blissed even though I am sick, even though I have to work.
I am just plain happy with life right now.
I love you.