User representation on LJ: an idea whose time has come... and gone.

May 10, 2009 08:38

LJ's Advisory Board--that thing that had 4 appointed members and 2 user-elected ones--had its most recent meeting on Mar 10; outline was posted on April 16th, to a rousing collection of comments saying "umm... whut? Where's the part where LJ pays attention to its customers?"

It looks like LJ may have abandoned the elected representative part. Livejournal's Advisory Board elections was well into the nomination process this time last year.

May 5: Nominations begin; about 90 people announce their candidacy.
May 14: Nominations closed
May 22: Voting begins for a one-year term of service [beginning] on June 1, 2008.
May 30: Results tallied & announced

They've done a masterful job of splitting important information across several communities. I suppose people are supposed to just not notice that this year's election... isn't happening. Come June 1, LJ will no longer have a user-elected representative on the board.

I suppose this is one of SUP's ideas that, like the " increased limits for Basic users," was mentioned to appease users, and dropped when it proved inconvenient to implement.
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