No more Basic/Free LJ accounts

Mar 13, 2008 07:21

From the FAQ: New accounts (created after March 12, 2008) may choose between Plus and Paid account levels.

A comment in no_lj_ads says that it's based on UserID number; past a certain point won't be able to select "basic." Theoretically, currently paid accounts will have the Basic option when they revert, but hey, that could change tomorrow.

A (the?) VP of Product Development says, " it was more about creating a new registration process that was easier for new users to understand. was quite confusing and included a table of options that was not very inviting to new users."

Riiiight. It's not about "every account needs to give us money in addition to content that draws paid users," it's about simplifying things for those poor idiots who just can't handle THREE account creation choices. jasonshellen thinks we're all gully dwarves.

brad is not happy, did not advise this... but was not consulted. That advisory board? It'll apparently be asked about new themes & layouts; they're not interested in their opinions about policies or business decisions.

Sorry, folks. End of an era.

lj issues

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