Dec 31, 2007 08:08
New Year's Resolution time, and all that. I want to make some changes.
I'm planning on crossposting less. (Among other reasons, I've found that custom locks flat-out don't work when crossposting with Semagic. So if I make a custom-locked post--like, to the slash readers only--I have to go to the entry and edit it manually, which kinda kills the purpose of crossposting.)
I'm considering doing my main posts at IJ, and posting a roundup here about once a week. I may be marking them "f'locked" for those that are friends-only, and "c'locked" for those that are more limited.
Eventually, I expect I'll drift away from LJ entirely. Someone let me know if that elusive policy document ever gets released, mmkay? (The one we were promised in August... two CEO's ago.)