Seven random facts meme

Sep 04, 2007 07:28

Tagged by cordelia_v. I was wondering if I'd get tagged, or if I should "cheat" and grab one of those "play if you want to" nontags.

1. There are a great many details of my life that not only do I not mention online, I don't hint in their direction online. Ever. Not even a little bit. I'll rewrite entire posts to avoid them. None of them are things that would shock people who know me personally; some are things that people who know me personally would not think are "secrets" at all.

2. I love rainbow tie-dye. This is probably not a surprise to anyone. In addition to a ridiculous collection of clothing (mostly in rainbow styles that clash with each other), I have a rainbow tie-dye comforter. I used to have sheets, but they stayed in L.A. I keep wanting to get a towel, but never scrounge up the money for it.

3. I lived in the L.A. area for 8 months right around my 21st birthday. I learned a great deal, including that I never want to live anywhere near there again.

4. My favorite subgenre of science fiction is post-apocalypse stories. The first one I remember reading is Caravan by Stephen Goldin, when I was 11. Along with standard stories of the genre--Earth Abides, The Stand, Lucifer's Hammer, I Am Legend, Canticle for Leibowitz, Farnham's Freehold, and The Postman--I include books like Rand's Atlas Shrugged and Starhawk's The Fifth Sacred Thing. I also collect post-apoc role-playing games, although I've almost never had a chance to play them.

5. I keep a thesaurus within arm's reach of the computer. I use it (although when I'm online, I use more often). I despise dictionary-style thesari. My old one--Roget's Fourth Edition, which I believe was last updated in 1949--I'd gotten so familiar with I often didn't need to use the index; I could just skip to the general number area. The Fifth Edition came out in 1994, added many new entries and reorganized, and I can't find anything anymore.

6. I'm good at spelling. My brother, with whom I speak for maybe half an hour per year, has called me in the middle of the afternoon to ask me how to spell a single word. There's a particular tone of voice that goes with asking for a word to be spelled--total strangers who say a word with that tone will get the spelling rattled off at them. I have to say the whole thing at once; I have real problems spelling slowly.

7. I hate static electricity, balloons, and getting my hands "goopy." I don't like mixing foods that involve touching wet stuff; I hate washing meats; I never liked fingerpainting or "mudpies." That sex is best when wet and sloppy annoys me greatly.

Tagging: droops, beltainelady, sanacrow, snowwy, icarusancalion ('cos I'm curious), cluegirl (so maybe the meme can jump to IJ), misanthrope_mom


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