Friday Five

Apr 13, 2007 08:40

I always think about doing thefridayfive, but they're rarely on topics that interest me. This set's interesting.

1. Who was your first crush?
Had to think about this a bit. 7th grade; one of the cute guys on the junior high football team. (The smallest guy on the team; he was maybe shorter than I was.) Dale something-or-other. I'm sure he never knew I existed, even later when I got a reputation for being "a witch."

2. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert. I can disappear in a group of three. Sometimes, in a group of two. I have a huge collection of communication tricks to get other people talking, and keep them talking, so all I have to do is occasionally say "mm-hmm."

I don't care for most parties, don't like talking to strangers, hate calling businesses on the phone. Because of that, I've gotten very efficient at phone calls and business discussions... I try for maximum information exchange with the least possible personal contact. When I'd been at this job for 8 months, one of my co-workers--one I talk with daily, nearly constantly some days--didn't know I had children.

3. What is your favorite non-sexual thing you like to do with the love of your life?
Religious discussion. That may be too broad an answer... it ranges from general philosophy to snarking pagan email lists to ritual planning. But I'd be hard-pressed to sort out which of those I like most.

4. Name one quirky habit your partner does that either annoys you or makes you grin.
The way he reaches for coffee when he's not yet awake is adorably cute. Only don't tell him that; it'll embarass him. (Please to ignore the fact that replies to this go to a shared email account.)

5. Do you believe in monogamous relationships?
Believe in them? Of course. I've seen dozens of them!

I don't like using the phrase "do you believe in" to mean "are you devoted to."


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