The meme: 10 words that start with your letter, with some description of what they mean to you. Comment on this to be given a letter of your own. (Or let me know you're not playing, and I won't give you a letter if you comment.)
Label: I am endlessly entertained by the way people label themselves, label others, and get upset when someone challenges those labels, regardless of how little sense it makes to anyone else. Also fascinated by the way people assume that agreeing on a label means they agree on a *meaning* for that label.
Labor: The act of giving birth. Also, the act of digging ditches, hauling bricks, chopping trees, pumping water, mixing cement, patching roofs, hammering nails, and washing dishes. One of these things is not like the others...
Laurie, Hugh: British comedy actor, also the star of "House." Tuesday night is Laurie night: Jeeves & Wooster, Posh Nosh, (eat some dinner,) House. Enjoy the very slashy subtext between House & Wilson. Have delusional fantasies that maybe they'll get married onscreen someday.
Laziness: What I probably beat myself up for most. My house is a mess, my social life's pretty much nonexistent, and my finances are in ruin because I am lazy. Or at least, that's what I believe.
Lilith: My favorite example to bring up when pagans say "but Satan is a Christian entity!" I point out that pagans don't try to claim those who call on/worship/work with Lilith are "Christians in denial" or "anti-Jews" or anything like that.
Linguistics: My supposed major when I was in college. My chosen major should I ever have the money to go back. The hobby-obsession that bleeds into my gaming, religion, business life, and occasionally my sex life. (Currently, I'm pondering the sex/gender transitions.) This is the topic I feel most guilty about; although I *adore* linguistics, I can't seem to self-direct on it; I've got a couple of textbooks that I've just poked at, and I have trouble wading through academic papers about it.
Livejournal has changed the way I interact online, and the way I think about online communications. I love the mix of intimacy and publicity... how some people f'lock even casual posts, and others put their most intimate details out for the general public. I'll occasionally follow friendslists around--pick a community, read the friendslist, grab a person at random, read a couple of their entries, look at their friendslist, pick someone, comment on their public posts... I think the two biggest delusions on LJ are "nobody but my friends is reading my posts," which leads to bizarre paranoia when a stranger says something, and "everyone on my f'list is avidly paying attention to everything I say," which leads to bizarre drama when someone missed an important update.
Lord and Lady (We'll call this one word): What Wiccan clergy should appropriately be called... but can you imagine people trying to get the media or public officials to refer to them as "Lord Raven" or "Lady Shadowstar"? Or even "Lord Cunningham" and "Lady Farrar?" Note that the media has no problem with "Reverend King" and "Father Callahan." But they don't like to use religious titles for nonChristians. It's always "self-proclaimed witch," never "self-proclaimed Christian."
Lullaby: My younger daughter insists on falling asleep to "Rock-a-bye Baby." I don't know why. It's a horrible song. It's not one I sang to her when she was tiny; I sang Dr. Jane's Tyrannosaur Lullaby and the
Monster's Lullaby and a couple of renfaire songs. She must've gotten Rockabye from Barney or something like that. But it instantly puts her to sleep, so I've learned to cheerily warble lyrics that make me cringe.
Lupin, Remus: the Harry Potter character I've got the least affinity for or interest in. This is probably not going to change, even if I enjoy some of the fanfic centered around him. I'm not sure if it's because he's a werewolf (a category that leaves me extremely blah; I ran into too many otherkin as a teen), or because he just doesn't spark my interest. It's almost like when I see his name in a story, I mentally replace it with SYMPATHETIC ADULT MALE WITH DARK SECRET, like he's some kind of cardboard cutout instead of a character. (Attempts to change this attitude are welcome, but not likely to be overly successful.)