Woke up full of feh and meh today. It happens, albeit far less often than it used to, thank God. Even the nice weather didn't lure me out for long.
However, I did take measures to battle it. I turned on
EmPower Posi-tive Radio dug out my poster board, glue sticks, and magazines, parked myself in the middle of the front room, and frittered away the afternoon making myself a vision board (a.k.a. a treasure map in some circles).
I completely lost track of time and forgot to eat until about 7:00 PM, but it was the best afternoon I've had in a long time. Still have plenty of room on my board for more stuff, too. So I'll have to work more on it another day.
I shouldn't be surprised that it helped. I always feel better when I'm doing something creative. It also helped me finally go through a good portion of the magazines I'd stockpiled for this purpose, getting rid of some clutter in the process.
I think tomorrow... er, later today... I'll work on more decluttering. God knows, I need to.
For now, bed time. Here's hoping for a good night's sleep. and a good Thursday to come.