Jun 23, 2006 23:50
why does my life seem to be continously spiraling downwards? i just want things to seem just a little bit better, but everyday i find something else that just disappoints me and makes me just a little more dissatisfied with everything around. i hate to say it but i feel like i have nothing in my life to be happy for right now. i cant even say my health because that isnt all the great. my body is falling apart piece by piece, and there seems to be nothing i can do that will stop that. i certaintly dont have any family to be grateful for. no boyfriend in my life that cares about me and would do anything for me. yeah i have camp, but that is camp.... its fun for a while, but i bet give me another couple of weeks, ill have a post about how much i hate that too. i just want something in my life that i can truly appreciate and be happy about, but for the time being that doesnt look hopeful....
i need to stop posting stupid things about how shitty my life is. and i dont want anyone to feel sorry for me because thats not why im writing. im writing to vent my feelings because the longer i keep them bottled up inside the worse i feel.