(no subject)

Mar 16, 2008 23:35

I am the kind of person who would rather pay to have my car battery replaced because it just died and wasn't my fault then have it be jump-startable and only dead be cause I left the dome light on or something. I've left the dome light on *enough* times in my short life. I would like to think I've moved beyond it.

So when the triple-A man's little electric reader thing said "replace battery" instead of "charge battery" this afternoon, I was just a little bit satisfied.

Then after he replaced the battery though, the car came back to life, and the mother effing *hazard* lights were on. *bug eyed hands-to-heavens foot stomp* How?!?!?

"You do put your foot on the dash." said John, which made me angrier. I do not put my *right* foot on the dash; how would I drive? Don't be ridiculous. I don't know how the hazard lights come on. I just know that somehow it was my fault.

But anyway, there is no nicer feeling than having your car start when it very recently wouldn't start, so I feel better anyway. And our game today was awesome in a we 'made it out of a "surrender or die" scenario (of the sort where the DM doesn't bother to make up what would happen if we win and so has to wing it) without doing either' kind of way. So that was nice. I shot perfectly and did great flipping wads of damage. And tomorrow is the Midtown Dickens show, and then my birthday. And Renee and I are going to see Duran Duran at Walnut Creek this summer, so I'm really not in a bad mood at all.

I am just $116.00 poorer. Damn.
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