Moohahahaaaa! Ore no daisuki! That was an awesome week.
You're not gonna get many pictures, because I was having too much of a good time and kept forgetting that I had a camera.
Oh, it was such a happy thing to see Twin and Wabbits and Puppydogs again! Lots of tickles and bum kicks and gnawing and video games. Every time I visit I wish I could've lived with them and just teleported to Oregon for classes. Oh, and Twin's Shmoopy. I approve! (^_^) Remember Tall One, use the plastic wrap well. XD
This was definitely a 'visit amazing friends' trip more than a 'going to con' trip. I actually only dressed up one day, and totally forgot to take photos of my Nataku with new buddy Monkey!Goku, courtesy of Twin and Wabbits. And poo, I was too entranced by the Pokemon dudes at Masquerade to remember my camera. Those guys were hilarious! "You teach me and I'll teach you, Po~ke~mo~~n!!" XD Oh, and also at the masquerade, San Jose Wushu team. Ha! We so kick their butts! Tall One is better than them in jeans after years of not practicing.
Oh oh! New favorite anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. GIGA DRILL BREAKER!!! XD But, but, Kamina! With the crazy glasses, and the crazy... I <3
A Twin and her Shmoopy, and their plastic wrap. XD
The surprise (to me) graduation barbeque! Wabbit families! I <3 Alena and her mustache so much, and Isaac makes a fabulous spazzy pidgeon (^_^)
More mustaches! That was a crazy party. "Did you call me a cheese omelet, sir?"
.... I have no clue.
One of the few photos I took at con. That was amazing armor: all leather, really good articulation, so much detail...
Monkey!Goku attacks Twin! Oh, we forgot to put velcro on his hands. Oh well.