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I am not responsible for any offensive or age-restricted material you may find in these communities.
inside_out_. You have to see these hypocrits for yourself.
hentai_bliss. Why would you masturbate over an animated character who is being gang-raped I don't know. Pornographic warning.
bare_nekkid. Habitual sex offenders and future pedophiles I'm sure, because these people post cam pics of their erections and boobs, and reply with descriptive jackoffs. Pornographic warning.
meateaters. While I have no beef (excuse the pun) with omnivores (me being vegan), I still don't see why you'd devote an entire post to the graphic slaughter of a rabbit and add animals rights communities to your friends list.
bush2004. Republicans supporting Bush's re-election. Need I say more?
_fucking_bored. LOTR apparently, but not one post. I wonder why...
fat_rejection. Now I'm proana and I do have a problem with obese people, but that's just fucking ridiculous.