Tragedy & Comedy

Jan 25, 2009 06:30

I just re-read my last post, and so much has happened since then it's hard to comprehend it all.

First, Axel & I did attend 12th Night, and we both spoke and read letters for Lady Aneira when she was elevated to the Laurel.  All the peerage ceremonies were lovely, and my only regret is that I didn't get to visit Fiona on vigil.  The All Peers meeting was a necessary pain, but it's done with.  I see they're having another one at Ymir, but having attended the first one, I'm not required to go.  (Small blessings.)   Martel, it turns out, had made a Byzantine trimmed with the scraps I had given her from MY Byzantine.  So we looked like sisters.  What fun!

Sadly, after we arrived at the hotel on Friday night, we got a phone call from home.  It turned out that Axel's squire, Lady Kellia, had a brain aneurysm on Thursday.  They operated on her that Friday, and she seemed to be doing quite well for a few days, although they kept her in ICU.  Good thing, because she started to deteriorate & they operated again the following Friday (a week ago now).  They did 6 angioplasties.  The prognosis is still good, as far as we know.  Axel has been visiting her a lot. I came down with a nasty cold the day of12th Night. (Hope I didn't pass it on to anyone.)  So I didn't think it prudent to be in the ICU coughing into her face.  She seems to have suffered a stroke, also, prior to last Friday's surgery, which has affected the left side of her body.

Axel & I spent yesterday at Chansons de Sacred Stone.  It was a very nice, mostly local, event.  It was Marc and Alianor's last event as Baron & Baroness.  It's so sad to see them go.  They've done such a great job.  They gave Kellia a Heart of the Phoenix in absentia.  Since this was their last court, they gave a lot of awards in absentia.  Considering the number of awards they had to do, court was over before anyone realized it.  We all appreciated that.  Also, there was a special toast raised to Kellia during the feast.  It was very nice.  I led dancing during the afternoon, and we had two separate ladies who came up to me with shocked expressions saying that their lords had NEVER been known to dance before.  So I got to corrupt the masses.  What fun!

I started my Web design course last week.  In fact, what I'm doing right now is procrastinating about doing my homework.  I got as far in the book as the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and just couldn't do any more.  Of course, if I could get more than 3 hours of sleep a night, it might help my concentration.  The nice thing about this course is that it's over the internet, so I can travel around and log in from anywhere & not miss any course work.  But it IS an accelerated course, so it seems like we're going at a pretty fast pace.  There's a ton of homework, so I'd better get to it.

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