Hello and welcome to the first round of Elf Scouts , the one and only secret santa exchange for the Bangtan Boys (BTS) fanfiction fandom! Below, you will find everything you need to know about the first round of this exchange.
Are you ready?
❄︎ ABOUT ❄︎
Elf Scouts (Bulletproof Elf Scouts) is a holiday season fic exchange for all writers and readers of Bangtan Boys (방탄소년단 or BTS) fic.
First established on July 14th, 2014 by MOD J, this will be the first round of the exchange. The 2015 holiday exchange will be moderated by The JAEGR Task Force, including Mods J, A, E, G, and R. We are all excited for this holiday exchange and to be working with participants, readers, and supporters of the exchange.
Though Elf Scouts will not be capped in future years, the 2015 season will be capped at 20 ~ 25 participants to ensure that the exchange runs smoothly and will be able to continue in the future.
❄︎ RULES ❄︎
For Participants ~
❄︎ Please only sign up for this exchange if you are absolutely certain of your ability to commit. This exchange is a time commitment and we ask that all participants commit with that thought in mind. Please do not sign up if you are unsure as to whether you can complete your commitment to your assignment.
❄︎ Please give us an email you check regularly when signing up for the exchange. All information about assignments, check-ins, and final submissions will be communicated through
email as well as
Twitter and
LiveJournal. Any participant that is unresponsive for more than three days when asked to respond will be considered as a ‘drop-out’.
❄︎ All fics must be BTS-centric. While we will allow cross-overs, the main character(s) or pairing(s) of your fic on must be from Bangtan Boys (방탄소년단 or BTS).
❄︎ The minimum word count of this exchange is 2,000 words. This provides nine weeks of time for participants to complete their submissions. Half-way through the exchange, there will be a Check-In of no less than 1,000 words by November 16th, 2015. (Check the
countdown!) Naturally, you are encouraged to write more, but this minimum is a standard for all gift-fics written for excited recipients! You can find full Check-In instructions on
this post, and Final Submission instructions will be available
here (they are essentially the same as check-in). (
Final countdown)
❄︎ Need a beta?: If you’d like to find a beta, consult the spreadsheet and claim one
❄︎ You will receive an email from the mods when your story has been revealed on the collection, and given
instructions on how to change the publication date.
❄︎ Since this is an ao3-hosted exchange, you are allowed to reply to comments left (on ao3) on your story; your username won’t be viewable until reveals. (This is completely optional.)
❄︎ Do not reveal your identity to anyone before reveals! The Big Reveal is one of the most fun parts of any exchange. You don't want to spoil the surprise for anyone, do you? The JAEGR Task Force recommends having a beta who is not participating for this exact reason.
❄︎ Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Should a participant be discovered for plagiarism, they will be publicly identified and banned from all future rounds.
❄︎ Crossposting/Deleting:
After reveals, you may post your fic anywhere you want (LiveJournal, AFF, tumblr, etc.), but we ask that you please wait until then. Something that comes up with the nature of an ao3 exchange is that, yes, the story you have written is entirely your own and you have complete agency over it; however, it was written as a gift for someone. While on a LiveJournal-hosted exchange, you wouldn’t have the option of deleting your story, since it’s ao3-hosted you are able to do so. Therefore, for the sake of honouring your commitment, if for some reason you no longer wish your name to be connected to the story you wrote, rather than deleting it, we require you to
orphan your story, thus ensuring that it remains on the archive. (Another option would be to transfer the story to a different ao3 account you own; please
contact the mods for help/options.)
If you delete the story you have submitted for the exchange, you will be banned from participating in any further
tr1ptych fic events, including elfscouts. This is
not a new rule.
For Everyone ~
❄︎ Pinch-hitting: If you missed signups or want to participate without the full commitment? Consider signing up as a pinch-hitter! Details
❄︎ Beta-ing: If you’re interested in offering your services as a beta, consider signing up
❄︎ Keep the comments polite. This exchange should be fun for everyone. Please be encouraging and supportive to all participants who have worked equally as hard to make their gift-fics special and fun!
❄︎ This exchange will run on SST (
UTC-11, American Samoa Time). As long as it is still the date of the deadline somewhere in the world, your submission will be on time.
❄︎ Last, and certainly not least, the most important rule: HAVE FUN!
❅ Signups open: September 26
❅ Signups close: October 3
❅ Assignments sent: October 12~13
❅ First check-in (1000 word min.): November 16
❅ Drop-out deadline: November 21
❅ Final submissions: December 13
❅ Final Cookie submissions: December 24
❅ Postings: December 24 - January 6
❅ Guess who? & Reveals: January 7 & January 10
Before you go, it is important to note that
bangtanexchange will host a
Valentine's exchange that begins mid-December. Their assignments are scheduled to be sent out just before the
elfscouts final posting deadline. Both
elfscouts and
bangtanexchange encourage writers to participate in both if they wish! We also encourage writers who have missed our cap to participate in their
Valentine’s exchange.
If you are worried about making the time commitment to
elfscouts but would still like to participate somehow, please sign up to be a Pinch-hitter using the form in the Pinch Hitter post. Pinch-hitters will be notified of their assignments on as soon as a participant has withdrawn, and will have first priority on extensions.
All submissions must be sent in before or on the designated deadline. Deadlines are set to ensure that all writers are making progress and that everyone is given the support and materials to have a fic at the end of the exchange. If participants do not turn in check-ins within 48 hours after being contacted by The JAEGR Task Force, you will be considered as a ‘drop-out’. If the gift-writer has asked to be contacted in the case of a drop-out, they may deviate from the ‘drop-out’s prompts and select to write a fic for everyone and the drop-out will not receive a fic.
Lastly, we would like to introduce ourselves. After a bit of a bumpy start,
elfscouts will be moderated and handled by The JAEGR Task Force. All of us encourage you to contact us with any questions, comments or concerns at any time during the exchange.
contact us with any questions, comments or concerns. We'd love to hear from you!