First heard this on Stephanie Miller this morning, and it seems to be going hot: Mail President Bush a shoe. The address for the White House is: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC, 20500.
After all the
abuse of office, and the sheer inability of the man to come to grips with the great moral evil he has unleashed on the world, even from a
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Our reason for invading Iraq was valid - to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
Just because the al-Qaeda insurgents showed up afterwards doesn't mean that it wasn't a valid battleground. Should we have left the infant government to fend for itself after al-Qaeda set up strongholds?
Why cripple the security screening portion of the White-house mail-room and cost the taxpayers even more money for a stupid, meaningless gesture? What you are suggesting is basically a Denial of Service attack on the white house mailroom.
Claim: The removal of yellowcake uranium from Iraq in 2008 proved that Saddam Hussein had been trying to restart Iraq's nuclear program.
Status: False
I lost all faith in Snopes regarding partisan political issues many years ago. Their liberal bias is obvious to people who do their own research. and compare the facts of what they *don't* include in their articles.
It's okay to admit that 'your team' screwed up, really. Even the wingnuts are willing to concede that Iraq was a clusterfuck from the word 'go'.
Our invasion into Iraq was COMPLETELY legal, and according to the terms that Saddam Hussein put his own signature to, personally. matter how many left-wing radicals say otherwise. Repeating a lie ad-nauseum does not make it true, just more disgusting.
Because everyone knew that while he was bad the likely replacements were worse.
Yes, back during the first Gulf war it was being publicly discussed that removing Saddam would result in exactly the sort of mess we have now. The *best* results that could be expected weren't real great either.
That's *why* this Bush had to push the fake links to Al Qaeda and the lies about WMD. Because *just* removing Saddam from power was known to be a *bad* idea.
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