Kids at Victoria's Secret Just before I snapped this photo, they were playing with the mannequin, rolling her stockings up and down. Gotta wonder what was going through Mom's mind as she shopped there. Reminds me of the old joke: Never ask the nice woman behind the counter at Victoria's Secret, "Do these come in children's sizes?"
Kouryou-chan's first rehearsal As some of you know, Kouryou-chan has been accepted into a local muni theater group, and is playing the role of a tomboy (not a terrible stretch, no). The director said she did well for her first time, but like all kids was getting a little anxious and distracted by the third hour of rehearsal. But her reading was confident and straightforward, and she did better than the others.
Daybreak over Seattle Yeah, I know, pictures of the dawn are passe'. But hey, it's still a very cool picture, especially the way the light gets caught on the railing on the south side of those buildings.
The Oscar Meyer Weinermobile! This was parked a block from my office this morning. It really is the authentic, current generation of the Weinermobile! How cool is that? I tried to get interior shots but they didn't come out.
The Weinermobile License Plate
Irony I still can't figure out if this truck's license plate is meant to be ironic, or advertisement. I never did get to see the logo on the side of the truck.