Experiments In HTML: Fridgemagnets

Mar 12, 2012 21:36

All that wittering on about poems and collisions recently makes more sense when you gaze upon my most recent work:

Fridge Magnets.

It's very much a work in progress. I've been working on it on and off for a few weeks. I think it's got about 40 hours of work into it. This is only half the battle (the other half involves red lasers and blue lasers, right?). I still have to get the server working, alternative word lists, and reloading segments of the current wordlist onto the page. Right now it shows an average of 60 words per cycle, but there are about 300 words in my working list, and I'd like people to be able to shuffle them on demand.

But it's been fun. When this is done, I might get either Ptah or Three Hours done. Or Narrator 4.0. Or goddess knows what else.


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