I are a mad scientist...

Feb 02, 2012 20:06

As of today, the "create a RESTful API for the human genome with proper hypermedia controls" project took its first baby step:

lynx -dump http://localhost:8000/ensembl/human/symbol/BRCA2
{ "found": [
"Gene(Species='Homo sapiens';
Description='breast cancer 2,...';
Status='KNOWN'; Symbol='BRCA2')"

Pretty cool. My computer has breast cancer. And brown hair. And LDL cholesterol. And it might be a mosquito. Or yeast.

Right now, it only works with Ensembl symbol sets, but after we get a full range of targeting and addressing addresses in place (oy, the bandwidth that's gonna chew up to demo!), NCBI and KEGG are also in the pipeline.

That's the open-source stuff I'm allowed to talk about. The in-house stuff, well... *giggle* let's just say it involves a lot of Canvas. It look like that book on processing.js might turn out to be a good investment after all.

(There's something appropriate about me being all mad-sciency about the same time I'm weirdly enjoying opera.)

Omaha points out that I better not be doing any of this stuff while at a Starbucks, or any public venue with open wifi. I would hate to explain to my employer why I was arrested.


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