The learning phase. I hope.

Jan 19, 2012 19:55

I've had this weird sensation all week. My brain has been dreadfully quiet. No new outputs have occurred to me-- no new stories, no new software development spikes have suggested themselves to me.

This is probably because I have been mainlining two major classes: One in genetics and bioinformatics, the other in functional programming with Haskell. It's day four, and I'm on chapter 6 of my Bioinformatics textbook, and chapter four of Real World Haskell. I'm not sure which one is harder: the bioinformatics one has a metric donkeyload of new terminology, but the Haskell one actually requires that I grow new braincells. I hope my brain is up for that. At 45, there's always some doubt, ne? My brain is waiting to turn this knowledge into utility. That may take a while.


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