Wow. Although Ms. Ferguson may best be descibed as confused, Sharon Rondeau has to be considered merely deluded. If only she were a little more outright insane, she would be the next Orly Taitz. Consider
her reaction to a Kenyan parliamentarian's recent and ill-informed comment that Barack Obama was "a son of Kenya:" With numerous sources reporting that Obama was born in a foreign country to a foreign father and only one person in the entire world stating that Obama was born in Hawaii, with no corroborating evidence offered in violation of Hawaii law, where is the U.S. military? What are they doing taking the orders of an apparently illegitimate Commander-in-Chief? Is there only a small group of men and women out of a force of 2,000,000 with enough patriotism to stand up and demand that the putative president prove himself?
And her commentors are right there with her: "Obama dodged the press pool on Sunday to watch his daughter play soccer. Oh really? My guess is he was at the Kenyan embassy and it was related to the 'born in Kenya' document."
Her co-conspirator at the site, John Charlton,
adds:The Joint Chiefs of Staff should be worried of the dire punishment they will face, when they are one day convicted of treason against the United States of America for siding with the enemy and giving him aide and comfort.
They have supported a man who is clearly a usurper, as if he were the President of the United States This fact is manifest and notorious.
Wow, just... wow. That's so out there it's not even cute.