Nicely Designed Trash No really. I've always loved working in advertising. That's where the money is, where the art is, and where the real passion for pushing some of the web's strangest boundaries are to be found.
I'm currently bootstrapping with a small team, and the incubator is at an ad agency I can't mention for a variety of reasons. But I enjoy being here because it lets me do what I'm good at, and I get to work around a bunch of nifty people, some of whom are stressed to the max, the others of which are clever and creative as hell. Someone even bothered to nifty-up the signs on the trashcans.
But being here does remind me about one of my favorite videos of all time: When I grow up, I wanna work in advertising:
Click to view
So true, all of it! Especially the part about being a web designer.