Finally bound off the first of the baby blankets! =D
I already started the second (of four) - which is maybe 1/8th done at this point - before finishing the first. I won't have two of them ready for my Otaku!coworker's baby shower, but November is now over and I can switch my focus back from writing to knitting.
Oh yeah, never mentioned that I was doing
NaNoWriMo again this year. I swore I wasn't going to - then during my lunch break at work on November 2, I opened up a new Word document and started typing madly away. *sigh*
Despite starting a day late (and a few brain cells short), I crossed the 50,000 word mark just before midnight on November 27th. It's my first "win" that didn't have me scrambling to get the last few hundred words in on the 30th.