Finally, an update.

Feb 27, 2011 06:03

Dear LJ, I apologize for being made of fail. I have not updated on the pregnancy news since November. I truly fail. 
Alright, since then a lot has happened, obviously. Besides falling off the plane of journal existence, that is. For starters, the little things I complained about were just icing on the cake. Seriously ladies, pregnancy is no joke. It is hard, but oh I am really starting to see how worth it it is, and Sprout has yet to arrive. 
During Thanksgivings I had the cold from hell. It seriously kicked my ass, which I only made worse by doing Black Friday with friends. No regrets doing it with them, I am glad I was there, but I should have been more mindful of my health. I ended up going from having a cold to a bronchial infection, which doesn't help since I have mild asthma. Yeah, ya think? So yeah, I went through two months of being extremely sick. Eric was impressed though, I looked (and felt) near death but I wasn't nearly as whiny as I tend to be when I am sick. 
Shortly after Christmas we did a 4D ultrasound and it was amazing. The umbilical cord was in the way for the most part, but we still got to see her. She wasn't as squirmy as she was in the previous ultrasound, but that was okay. Danielle is still adorable. My favorite shot was this cat like grin that we had caught. Oh I hope that she keeps that grin, it will really give her a hell of a personality. 
Christmas wise we didn't do much. Went to the Navy Christmas party and sported the belly proudly. I got a lot more attention than I had anticipated. And despite the start of back and hip pain, I still had a lot of fun. That was the start of really feeling Danielle move though, so I had moments where I had to get out of the ballroom because the loud bass of rap or hip hop music made her an anxious little thing and the constant moving in my stomach made me nauseated. But we got a hotel and pampered ourselves that night, leaving Emo Dog and Fat Basement Cat fend for themselves for a night. It went well. And hey, I got spoiled a bit too so, woo! Eric bought me cute little things and an awesome suede hat that goes great with the jacket that I stole from him.
Oh and side note, I got to wear my anniversary gifts again, so I was happy. Not sure if I mentioned them, but Eric bought me a matching jewelry set of earrings, necklace, and ring with heart shaped amethyst. I have my moments where I like girly stuff like that. I am a total sucker for hearts. 
January was a good month as well. Back pains started to get worse while hip pains decreased though. Eric got me a heating pad however and that was bliss. Early in the month we went to Arizona for the baby showers. I had a lot of fun hanging with friends, showing off the belly, and the two baby showers were a hoot! The family one went better than expected. My family got a kick out of the shirt Eric found for me. It said, "If this is my family, I am never coming out!" Of course my family consists mostly of big red necks, so of course they got a kick out of it. I had so many cell phone cameras aimed at my belly that night. 
My twin was in charge of the shower and she did an amazing job. I was so humbled by how much hard work and love she put into it. I used to be such a brat to her, I can never repay her for all that she has done for me over the years. Lizzy, you are my best friend, even if you may never read this journal. Lol. 
The friend shower was also hilarious. It was more laid back with games like bottle races that had me in stitches! Oh I love my crazy friends. My girls did a great job setting it up and I bow down to Deanna, Sprout's official Grandma, for giving up her house for our crazy lot and making the amazing food. Deanna is a Goddess. 
And over all, we made out like bandits! We are going to need another drawer for all the clothes that we got alone! I have a massive collection of baby blankets and we got so many essentials. It was a huge load off my mind to get many of the stuff we got. Lizzy and Amber spoiled the crap out of us. I still owe them big. 
Also on that trip I managed to rescue the quilt that my grandma made for me when I was twelve. My brother had been using it to block out the sun in his bedroom window, so it was severely damaged by the time I got it back. It was not fixable, so I cut out the embroidered squares and got material to make a new blanket for Sprout with the original squares sewn in. I am doing it by hand, but I have the hard part finally over with! Next week we will get the inner padding then sew it all up together, and viola! Quilt will be done.
It's one of the first major projects that I have not truly procrastinated on. It is in the memory of my grandma though, so that is probably why. I feel good that I am doing it, even if every time I look at it I want to kill my brother. My grandma and I were pretty close. I bawled like a baby when my Aunt Brenda surprised me with a hand made hand towel that she had found and given me for Christmas at the baby shower. It was one of the last things that my grandma made before she died. I have it up in a safe place, the small little crocheted towel means that much to me. 
Now for the fun stuff, the third trimester has been anything but easy. I still suffer from bouts of morning sickness, I am still lactose intolerant, and chicken is still not my friend. I don't crave the many P's that much any more, though. IE popcorn, pretzels, pizza, pickles, pomegranates, potatoes. I still like stuffing myself with fruit and bread stuff though and my normal love for all things chocolate and too sweet for my own good has returned though. I need to lay off the sugar. Luckily I do not have gestational diabetes and I am so far so good. I ahve only gained a total of nine pounds as of my last weigh three weeks ago.
I have suffered two UTI's since coming back from AZ. One got so bad that it turned into a kidney infection and the back pain was indescribable! I was even stuck in the hospital over night, which I hated. I hate hospitals on a personal level and staying in one meant that I got absolutely no sleep what so ever. And then a week after that I was still back in the hospital for more antibiotics because the pain and nausea had returned. Oh and TMI warning, the antibiotics for UTI's can cause a yeast infection. Which guess what, I have. Yay.
I am pretty much on bed rest. The doctors want me to stay put and take it easy. I have that pregnant waddle, my back, legs, and hips are always in pain, and Danielle is one restless baby! She had already bruised my ribs, constantly moves, and no vital organ within reach is safe. It is the weirdest thing to see my stomach constantly moving, shifting, and bulging. She is still pretty high up and very close to the skin. I freak out sometimes because I fear that if my cat claws me on the belly that Danielle is close enough to even feel it! Seriously, I could probably accidentally poke myself with a sewing needle and hit the baby. And yes, I tend to be this paranoid on a normal basis. As for hormones, I am still easily annoyed with life and people in general, but the crying spells have seemed to kick in. Luckily they seem to be caused by stress and long days, and not just a good day turning into a mess because I decide to be a leaky faucet.  
The dog is getting better though, so there is hope that I get to keep him after the baby is born. It all depends on how he is with Sprout. Buying the crate has also helped a lot. He is still pretty spoiled and needy though, but that is my Emo Dog. The cat is still insane, but what else is new? My only real qualm is that she keeps getting into food that she cannot stomach and throws up all over my living room. She also has this horrible thing about finding the one piece of clothing on the floor to throw up on. Or she aims for Eric's clothes. I am surprised that he has not killed her yet. 
As for my personal life, my family still annoys me, except for Lizzy, she is awesome. Oh and I have acquired a stalker. Oh man not even kidding. I made friends with a neighbor who has a husband in the Navy. He is currently on cruise and she is lonely. Which means that she hounds me. Seriously, one day after we had scheduled to hang out at 2pm, she decided that she wanted to hang out sooner. Note, Eric started working nights. We don't get out of bed until 12:30. So when Stalker started to call me at 11, naturally I did not wake up. And yes, I told her the schedule. So at 12:45 she decided as I was making coffee and hubby was emerging from the bed as a boxer clad zombie that she was going to knock on my door, all ready to go. Eric, the jerk, pushed me towards the door, told me to deal with it, and rushed into the bathroom. I had to remind stalker that I am not alive until 2. 
She has done other annoying things that involves invading my personal space, like popping in at random moments, trying to tell me how to be pregnant, oh and was pretty damn hard to get rid of when I had company over. Seriously, the girl invaded my time with one of my best friends when we only had him for a weekend. She would not leave when I asked her to, would constantly pop up at my door, and over all hounded me and my friend. I damn near killed her. The girl did not know how to take hints or blatant requests to leave until I had to pull the bitchy pregnant lady card. 
But she is moving out of the complex soon where she cannot knock on my door as well as hound me on the phone. Hazzah! Don't get me wrong, she is a sweet girl and tries very hard to be helpful, but she is invasive and her personality clashes with mine. She doesn't do well by herself and gets easily bored and lonely. Whereas I like my personal space and the only ones I really want within my bubble are close friends and of course, my wonderful hubby. 
Speaking of being wonderful, Eric spoiled the crap out of me today. We got our tax return and he bought me a new lap top because my Old Geezer had died and I was using his old one. It is so shiny! It is a Dell with an AMD triple core processor and Bluray. It is pretty nice and the best computer in the apartment, currently. Hazzah to that. I am also feeling awesome because during one of the few fun outings with Stalker I found .44 cal replica revolvers at an antique shop and dragged Eric there today. Found out that they are 1851 Confederate Navy black powder revolvers made by the Italian gun company Pietta. They need some cleaning but they work. Eric is in love with them. And best part, he got the set of two for $145. Seriously, that is it. We are quite happy and they are beautiful pistols.
We also bought the play pen for sprout, the last big expense until we have to start buying diapers. Luckily I have enough to hopefully last a couple of months from the baby showers. Yeah, I am an optimist. 
But now the nursery is all done, the crib is set and beautiful, we have all the major stuff, the mobys are coming in, and all we need is little stuff like healing creams, nursing pads, and extra sheets, towels, and the likes. We are almost ready! My hospital bag is packed, clothes for bringing home baby picked out, car seat all ready. Now all we need is for Sprout to be ready.
Considering that I am encroaching 36 weeks, oh holy crap, I think that Sprout is just about done cooking. Now is for the finishing touches. We are close to that April 1st due date. (A couple of weeks early will be accepted, Sprout. How about two more weeks? Maybe three. Your God mother would love to share b-days with you)


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