Holy friggin crap Batman! I am having a girl.

Nov 18, 2010 00:45

Muwahahahha! People of the world, you may start declaring your loyalty to Danielle Anastasia Glandon now. I am having a girl! Thank you Mother Hera for answering my prayers! *happy dances* 
I must admit that Eric and I are super thrilled. We would have been happy with a boy. We would have loved Nikolai Syaoran Glandon with all of our hearts, but we were really hoping for a girl. And Tada! We were granted one. Thank you Goddess. 
The ultrasound in itself was amazing. It took a while for sprout to share all, so we got to see her do a lot of things and build up anticipation. It was breathtaking watching the itty bitty person move around inside me, and oh she is definitely a person. The ultrasound was the 2D type but we saw the face, arms and legs, her tiny little hands and feet, the heart beating in her chest and even the spine and brain.
And she just kept moving around! At one point I cried when she stuck her thumb in her mouth. It was surreal and adorable. And she also yawned! That was the cutest thing ever. Most of the time it was hard to get a constantly clear read because she did not like to be poked, but when she stilled she gave great shots of various body parts. She also seemed to enjoy showing off her dexterity. She managed to get her feet all the way up to her head and hold that pose for a while. For a tiny thing, it is already evident that she has long legs. It is very possible that she might be tall. Weird. And then she bared all. literally. 
A half an hour in the exam the baby suddenly lifted her legs to show us exactly what her gender was. The shot was very clear. It was like she was saying, "Here you go. I am a girl. Now stop poking me!" She did this twice in fact so we were left with no doubt. It is most definitely a girl.
My little blob is a little person now! I am still very shocked and overwhelmed by how real it is. But so excited. I feel like I am finally at the state where I am not going to freak out at having a baby. I got to see that she is healthy (As far as we can tell. All parts are the right size and accounted for.) and her constant moving is a good thing.
And oh she likes to move. For the past four hours after the exam all she did was kick and flail. It was weird because I was able to see my stomach ripple every time she kicked. That was very, very strange, but also cool. It is so cool that I am going to have a little girl. Likely a Daddy's Girl, but I can live with that. Happily. 
Oh Goddess! I am having a girl!


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