
Jun 07, 2004 16:20

I have been looking around and have started wondering about what I am gonna do next....
I can't keep working in the kindergarten/nursery the rest of my life...
I want to do something that involves either movies or music...
I want to try screenwriting, but I can't find a good course/school here in Norway... And New York Film Academy didn't want me...:(
I want to do singing, but then I have to stop smoking first, cause my voice is not what it used to be...hehehe

But then I got back into a thought I had before...a long time ago...
I play the flute... I played in a marching band and in an orchestra for 10 years... I might want to pick up the flute again and try to get in to a good music school...

Then it hit me! I am gonna try to get in to GUILDHALL!! That would be so cool! hehe
The auditions are really hard there, but I have over 6 months to practice on! I have been looking over their whole site, and I really like what I see/read!

Wish me luck people!
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