Remember that Firefly Soundtrack?

Sep 23, 2005 00:19

So yesterday I posted how I'd downloaded the Firefly TV soundtrack for $10...gorgeous music, but only in a Windows Media format, so I couldn't burn it to an audio CD or play it on my ipod. I did email Fox Music about this...and I don't think I was the only one...

'Cause today I got an email from them...and just a day after putting the soundtrack up in the first place, they've made it available in mp3 format as well, and listed instructions so those who'd already bought the tracks could download the new and improved version for free. Bravo, Fox Music: obviously you're much shinier folk than your comrades in TV production. *snerk*

I'm listening to the soundtrack on Itunes as I type this, and I've already played it running around the house with my IPod, as well as burned it to a CD that works in my discman. Rock on.

Now you /really/ wanna go download this bee-yoo-tee-ful moosic! Go here! Firefly TV Soundtrack

firefly soundtrack

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