Shameless Self Promotion! Well, ok, maybe a little shame...

Feb 04, 2006 14:07

And now, a very special announcement. :?P

After some *poking* (for which I'm grateful!) from a friend, I've at last opened up a new LJ just for my writing: Elrandir

It's a place where I'll be posting random little pieces that pop up in my head now and then...poems, ficlets, etc, as well as updates on my big projects (da book! etc.), and quite possibly reposts of old fics, shorts, Scapespeare scripts, etc. (if people would be interested in that stuff too).

The first post (and a sonnet!) went up last night, and I wrote most of a very short Doctor Who ficlet today, which should be going up there sometime tonight or tomorrow.

So head on over, check it out, add me to your flist if it strikes your fancy...and y'know I'll always love the feedback. Thanks!

new lj, elrandir

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