Something acutally went my way

Apr 23, 2008 20:24

But only as a postscript,

The car's sparkplugs and wiring was arcing.  $400 to fix.  On the way over, I must have run over a few nails.  I took the car to a tire place and they fixed it for free.  Why?  Because all their tire repairs are free.  Good idea, I will but tires from them next time.

Work, The three hats.

Hat 1 - ISG (Instrument Service Guy).  After training, I have to do an inventory so I can do some service next week.  I have to do this after normal hours because.

Hat 2 - Auxiliary chemist - I am filling in for a coworker who is on vacation.  I'm training two new techs on the stuff I learn the day before.  But it is going well.  But this is interfering with.

Hat 3 - Lab Services Manager -  The job that has the title that is on my business card.  Lots of stuff to do and not much time to do it.

We are hiring.  Anyone want to come to Houston?

Not work,  Slow, tired, not getting much done.

Gaming,  Good, played fun games last week.  Got an RPG this week, I am getting bored with it so it is time to not sit back and watch the flailing of others and advance the plot.  Kinna side thinking about the games I wish to design for Blood and Cardstock.  Got some good ideas but need to find some quiet time and get them on paper.

The boy, is doing well. As is the wife.

Oh, I sent an email to Bill O’Reilly tonight. On the show they were denouncing some videos and pictures that were on the web. Then showed them. I guess they couldn’t have been that bad.

1CMF Happy Birthday

Surprisingly, nothing else is bothering me today.

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