I don't think that word means what you think it means

May 04, 2007 07:58

1. Home front. The Wife is doing a fine job in preparation for my arrival. Next week I'll have some time to start looking at housing down here.

2.Workfront. My boss has still been out with eye surgery but should be in Monday. We have a new add out in Carreerbuilder so maybe we can fill the 5 slots still open. Other than that lots of admin stuff to do.

3.Lifefront. I think I'm ready to accept Jesus as my personal savior. The problem is I don't think anyone else is ready for me to.

My new psudoformed cult.

Basic Tenets.

1. There is a creator.
2. The creator is unknowable (being that more advanced than us)
3. Periodically he/she/it sends down guidelines on proper behavior.
4. The rules change.

So with that lets take a look at the bible.

1. At the time of the Old Testament, Moses got selected as the person to bring the rules to everyone. However, these rules as there to insure that an oppressed people maintain their identity and cohesiveness. God heralds the rule passing in a way to catch attention (burning bush). Those people now get freed and stay free for a while. (Yes they get conquered by the Romans but for the most part get left alone as long as you don't interfere with tribute or politics).

2. As a free people with a solid identity, God sends Jesus down to let everyone know the new rules.
Once again a virgin birth will get you noticed.
Jesus lets everyone know the new rules from God. (Mostly Tolerance, Acceptance and Love) But Jesus is a rebel and is pretty much saying that the Old Testament is obsolete. We (he is Jewish) are no longer oppressed and do not need to follow the rules based on fear.

3. People being the way they are, kill him for speaking out and rocking the boat. He knows what's coming and chooses become a martyr instead of running.

4. So the teachings of Jesus need to be interpreted WITHOUT the Old Testament to confuse the issue. That is my next goal.

5. BTW, when the situation changed dramatically God will send another messenger and a dramatic entrance (I'm expecting a press conference)
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