(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 19:45

I am not amused. Every muscle I possess (and a few others that I swear have just appeared to taunt me today) is caining after my 8-hour-minus-one-15-minute-break shift at work today. This may sound like nothing much, but when you have 150 screaming children for a good 7 hours of the day non-stop, with parents doing clever things by letting their kids drop Slush Puppie (the drink of Satan) all over the carpets, not listening to the tannoy so their food gets cold while they ignore the repeated messages to collect it before it is stone cold and moving all the chairs and tables so the place looks a complete state. This stress combined with me having virtually no sleep and getting soaked by rain on my way to work (rain + hair= no good) meant that I spent most of the day looking like a scaghead.

Hello, my name's Bert and when I'm not looking after your children, I'm dealing heroin on stress corners! Yay!

My audition for NYT is tomorrow... *looks nervous* I'm now very scared that it shall be shite and they shall chuck me out as soon as I open my mouth. However, it does mean a day in London doing fun acting things, which is always a good thing.

And now, I must go and practise my speech/watch the Brits I think.

work, drama

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