Fic Master List

Apr 20, 2020 09:43

Here's a handy list of all my fic, which is all SPN since that's the only fandom I write for. It's organized by rating and word count and not much else, so oh no, you'll just have to pick through all of them. :D


How Many Angels; Dean/Cas, OFC; 482 words
An important question is asked just before bedtime.

Why the Driver Shouldn't Pick the Music; Dean/Cas, Sam; 940 words
Post-7x06 fluffy drabble about Sam's dismay at discovering Cas is also an Air Supply fan.

The Language of Hands; Dean/Cas; 1,065 words
Dean wonders why he's never paid attention to his angels hands before.

One Word Life; Dean/Cas, Sam, Bobby; 1,200 words
Dean is a man of few words.

An Untried Form of Bravery; Dean/Cas, Sam, OMC; 4,290 words
In a fit of insanity, Dean goes through with it. He and Cas get hitched. Somehow Sam seems to be the only one thrilled about it.


Your Halo Slipping Down to Choke You Now; Dean/Cas, Leviathan; 1,640 words
Angels do not need to breathe.

Thickening the Air I'm Breathing; Dean/Cas; trenchcoat!fic; 2,500 words
Endings are hard. But goodbyes are harder. (ie: Dean has to learn how to let go of what may or maynot be real)

Some Other Beginning's End; Dean/Cas, OMC; 3,943 words
Dean starts to think that pairing up with Castiel as 'pretend life partners' for a case in a local gay community wasn't the smartest idea.

In the Blackest of Rooms; Dean/Cas; ~4,500 words
Written as a meditation on the song "I Will Follow You Into the Dark."


Lessons in the Night Water; Dean/Cas; ~3,500 words
Dean attempts to lure Cas into the water for a swimming lesson that was supposed to be simple...

Sleeping With Ghosts; Dean/Cas; ~7,900 words
End!Verse - Castiel reflects the choices he's made to stay with Dean as the world ends and finds a spark of hope in his conclusion.

Confessions of a Third Wheel; Dean/Cas; ~9,500 words
 If Sam has to see his brother and their fallen angel getting their freak on ONE more time...he might do something drastic.

Visions of Sugarplums and Other Various Oddities; Dean/Cas, Sam, Bobby; 14,070 words
An insight into the dream world of two sibling hunters and wayward angel when an attempt to break the record for the most repeat watchings of A Christmas Story succombs to drunken sleep. And what Bobby Singer has to say about all this holiday jackassery...

master list, dean/castiel, spn fic

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