Apr 20, 2020 12:00
- Sun, 16:04: @ MayorOfLA Have people that don't want to shelter in place sign a DNR and if they're antivax make them sign an agre… https://t.co/xcq0O9o9HT
- Sun, 23:52: Hospitals Face a White House Blockade for Coronavirus PPE https://t.co/y4hWNAYwrw
- Sun, 23:56: Kentucky Governor Says In-Person Churchgoers Will Have License Plates Recorded, Be Forced to Quarantine for 14 Days https://t.co/ktvyoqvh6J
- Mon, 00:17: RT @ dwallacewells: When it comes to the federal response to the coronavirus, there is criminal negligence, there is immoral indifference to…
- Mon, 00:17: RT @ Marina_Sirtis: You can’t make this stuff up! 👇👇 https://t.co/VsGPBpqrT9
- Mon, 00:17: RT @ JeriLRyan: Also...? It’s NOT. ABOUT. YOU. Masks prevent asymptomatic carriers from SPREADING IT TO OTHERS! #stopbeingselfish
- Mon, 00:19: Stupid people should not breed. And that includes every one that voted for the murderer https://t.co/8dUBny9vCz
- Mon, 02:30: Joining forces with people who share your convictions can be l... More for Gemini https://t.co/5ufArOOKvp
- Mon, 08:58: Official website https://t.co/ao3cGULBjC @ JamesWi71881770 @ avenaim @ jaydawes2 @ richard_dikko @ Nourdin82920241… https://t.co/Br0wuNxHZe
- Mon, 08:58: Seize the time ! @ JamesWi71881770 @ avenaim @ jaydawes2 @ richard_dikko @ Nourdin82920241 @ thiago_vibesp… https://t.co/WnhPxQUJ0Q