Overabundance of randomitis

Mar 20, 2008 01:58

 Japanese test on Friday...

Oh yeah, surprise kanji test today. I totally forgot about it. Luckily it wasn't difficult.

How am I the only person in my drill class who knows about Miyazaki Hayao and Hamasaki Ayumi? (I realized I lied when I said I'd never heard of Waseta Daigaku, too. I actually have, and just forgot. xP)

I should be writing a paper on Barabbas, but I feel like watching House instead... I only have four more papers to go in that class. Maybe I should... dun dun dun... PROCRASTINATE~

--- Fun stuff from the XGD C-box ---

Convo among Kitty (me), Emma (

bluetara2020), and Rogue (

Emma: -sniffs- Holmes did it better

Kitty: *sniff* You're going to get me crying if you talk about Reichenbach...

Emma: he took himself out to take down the worst enemy mankind had... -sniffs-

Kitty: But he came back...!

Kitty: Holmes is an X-man!!

Kitty: "Watson, I have returned to you... through the power of the PHOENIX FORCE!" *flares*

Emma: ...that disturbing image will now haunt me. thanks


Emma: Jeremy Brett in the Phoenix outfit.

Kitty: UGH. Now that will haunt MY nightmares.

Emma: you gave me the image, I'm just happily returning it.

Rogue: LOL you two are AWFUL!

Rogue: but with Mags as a good guy, we have no Moriarty anymore!

Rogue: back in a bit

Kitty: Hey, *I'm* the disturber, you're the disturbee... >.>

Kitty: We do have an Irene Adler though...

Emma: be happy that Emma doesn't know Kitty's fandom. She would do things like that all the time.

Kitty: ... evil abounds!

--- Fun stuff from Nightscrawlers chat ---

Convo among me (Josh) and those other wonderful Scrawlers:

i know some who hates Hugh laurie
I thought his medicine was sarcasm?
It's possible to hate Hugh Laurie!? *gasp*
Hugh Laurie is one of our finest exports.
We want him back.
LOL, the sarcasm in House is more spot on than the medicine.
I don't know. House amuses me, but I never got into the show. Some of the characters bother the hell outta me.
NO! We're stealing him.
Get your own sarcasm, stop borrowing ours!!
* Josh strikes the devilish-American-thief pose
*goes back to watching Corontion street*
* Elizabeth strikes the dashing English rogue pose.
It's England's fault!
Stop producing so much cool stuff and we'll stop stealing it! 
I think they take the blame for common sense quite willingly.
Yes!! We were too fun for your ansectors so they left for America!
They didnt like the theatres, the drinking, the sex, the religion....
Hey! you tried to drown us with tea! (Hence the coffee obsession!)
YOU threw it in the bloody harbour!
* rachel needs more tea
No one needs THAT much tea!
The fish have never tried it though!
*** Sooraya has joined #nightscrawlers
Yeah, that one must have backfired.
We wanted to do something charitable with the excess tea.
So we gave it to the fishies...
... It made sense at the time!!
mmmmmm botston tea party!
"Let's make sure they can't make anymore tea! I know throw it in the river! Oh shit... is that a river of tea?"
Groovy idea, tea inused fish much be tasty *ick*
River of Tea makes me think of the Mississippi
Fish-tea, LMAO
i dont know you guys anymore

rpg, school, house, x-men, japanese, xgd, sherlock holmes

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