Day 19: A moment that made you happy? D: I can only pick one? drat. Although all the moments I can think of are teary-happy types, like when Taichi and Yamato reunite during the battle against Piedmon, or when Taichi reunites with Agumon after his abduction(s) by the Digimon Emperor.
I guess I will go with, when Tokomon digivolved to Patamon for the second time (battle against DemiDevimon). I missed that guy. And that was a great ep. This is closely followed by when Patamon digivolved to Angemon for the second time. BOOYAH. Also, when Jou set off on his own after being all responsible and traveling with Mimi and taking care of Ogremon. And when Miyako slapped Hikari and told her she is a strong person at the Dark Ocean. And when Koushirou was so very understanding of the stress Taichi was under even though Taichi punched him. When Gabumon gives Yamato his fur to keep warm. D'aww. And when Sora told Biyomon she loves her. And when Miyako got very enthusiastic during the Christmas card game. And the scene in the first movie where Hikari tries to blow her whistle but can't, so Taichi does it and then Greymon gets up. When Koushirou comes to terms with being adopted and realizes how loved he is. And when Jou and Gomamon do... practically anything.
Ok, so in the end I couldn't pick just one.
Day 20: A moment that made you sad?
Death of Oikawa, especially because of how Iori reacted. Death of SaberLeomon. Deaths of Piximon and Whamon. (xD) Taichi's misery after Yamato separates from the group and esp. after Hikari gets sick. The scene where Hikari clings to Taichi's hand as he's drawn back to the digital vortex. Yamato's misery after Cherrymon makes him doubt his friends and himself. The death of Wormmon. The death of Angemon. When Yamato goes berserk looking for Takeru in the cold. When Sora becomes so worried and upset about feeling unloved that she hides in the shadows and does good deeds without being noticed. WHEN KEN KICKS THE PUPPY.
I know, that's more than one moment again, I'm such a cheater.
In other news: So apparently back in December, some random guy on Facebook tried to hit on me via private messaging, but since I always forget to check my inbox, I never saw it. XD Hahaha. I just found it and was so amused. It's deleted and I didn't respond, but just lolll.