Well, I didn't exactly forget to do this yesterday, but this that and the other thing, so. :) Today I'll do a two-for-one!
Day 05 and Day 06: Favorite Crest?
Don't exactly have one, I love them all. I love the designs of Courage and Light, but they're a little simple (they look like a sun and a star). Love's pretty simple too. Friendship is awesome because it has a yin-yang sort of design in the center. I love Sincerity/Purity's teardrop/flower petal look. And I've always wondered why Reliability/Honesty looks like a cross? Hope is really great because, at least to me, it looks like the sun rising over a mountain. (I can also see it looking like a comet, but I prefer the first interpretation.) And Kindness looks to me like a tulip. The only one whose design I'm not fond of is Knowledge - it looks very appropriate, like data being exchange from one database to the other, but it's simply not interesting to me.
(I'm excluding Miracles and Destiny because I don't consider them true crests - to me they're special Digi-egg only designs. Those Digi-eggs are so mysterious, Daisuke can use one and also Wallace, randomly, but somehow Angemon and Angewomon can summon them? Doesn't make sense. So I kind of consider them separate, like the Digi-Cores, not particular to Daisuke and Wallace in any other way than that they've been allowed to use them in the past. I know some fans who like the idea of Daisuke having the Crest of Miracles won't like that, but as for me, I think it's unfair that only Daisuke of the armor evolution season 02 characters should have a crest. (Of course, both Takeru and Hikari can use both crests and armor evolution... >.>)
So... rabbit trail... which is my favorite? Well, for sentimental reasons, Courage; for design reasons, Hope. Voila.
A couple you wish existed?
By "existed" I assume they mean ones that aren't ever canon... which is not many, so XD But, I don't know, does Taiora count, even though they're never officially a couple? (because it's implied that they like each other/ Taichi awkwardly fumbled asking her out.) Or Takari (for similar reasons, though only in the dub)? Haha... well, it doesn't matter much, because I'm not much of a shipper, I like pretty much every pairing. My favorites are Taiora, Joumi, Takari, none of which are officially canon.
But those are conventional pairings even if they're not canon. A couple pairings that are more out there (at least for me), but I for some reason really like, are Miyakari (I think this is the name? Actually I've never come across any of this kind of fic, although it's certainly out there) and Kouyako. I have an incomplete fic that is Miyakari, and it wasn't intended to be, it just came out that way and made me love the pairing. Kouyako was one of my favorite ships when 02 was first airing on TV, and I was so upset when Miyako went after Ken instead. I was more upset about that than about Sorato!
Another is Taisuke - this is actually kind of a favorite, but I don't find many fics that potray it in a way that I like. (Usually they involve too mature, too horny Taichi and too innocent, too whiny Daisuke.) I love Taishiro too, but the same problem happens here too sometimes. I also like Taito generally (to be honest, I ship TaichixEveryone) and Joura, Sorami, Taikeru, Takora, Kensuke, Kenkeru, and Miyori to lesser degress.
There are other pairings I like, but tend to prefer on a platonic level: Michi, Kenkari, Takori, Daiyako, Daikeru, Jomato, etc.