Wow, the last time I've been on LJ, things were not to techy and fancy...
-looks around with interest- Ooh, what happens if I click here?
Ahem, anyway...
I don't know, usually I have things to say when there's NO WAY I can get to a computer and/or/especially internet. By the time I have gotten to a computer, my most intelligent thought is Nuuuuuuuur?
I think I need to capitally rethink what it is that I want to concentrate on here, make a sort of resolution list.
Alrighty, then!
I think I'll keep a better traveling log from now on, though our travels are not that awesomely numerous.
I think I'll try to keep some political posts, but MINIMALLY!!! Last time I got involved in politics too much and got absolutely burned out and it wasn't pretty.
I'll try to art-post more. Hell, I need to start drawing again.
I think I'll try to post little funny things that Dominic says or Chime does.
Also, I might start posting a little in Russian. Um, just because I'm realizing that there are things that English, though it is the language of Shakespear, just can't express as well as Russian. Or, in other words, аглицкий просто нервно курит в сторонке. Вот.
It's not like I've got a huge audience (or ever will), so if people can't read some entries it shouldn't be too big a deal.