CCCP Originally uploaded by
elfinity. -hyperventilates- Like, OMG OMG!!!
So. Yesterday. I'm driving. And I stopped at a traffic light. And, like an observant driver that I am, I'm observing my surroundings. And what do I observe right by my car? A car with licence plate that says, "CCCP" on it!
For non-cyrillic peeps, this is how we Russians spell USSR.
So, I get all happy for a second, but then I get depressed (not that way) that I can't get out of the car and take a picture. BUT THEN! I remember! That my digital near-dead camera is in my bag! Which is next to me on the seat! So I GRAB my bag and I GET the camera out (keeping an eye on the traffic light, which is thankfully still red), WAAAIT for the ancient thing to power up, hoping it has enough power left, then stick the camera out the window, take a shot, light changes to green and I go.
Shows what an uber driver I am. So now I gots a picture of a CCCP licence plate to add to my collection!
Makes my heathen pinko-commie heart feel all warm and fuzzy.