week o links 4/21

Apr 21, 2006 17:43

I wasn't quite sure that I was going to have enough links to make this even worth my while, but several popped up the last day or so, so we're in the clear.

  • http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-general&t=7894368&tmp=1#post7894368 WoW goofiness - They're looking for suggestions to put in the Tips displayed as the game loads. Some of them are useful, alot of them are simple complaints (a few I have of my own, Rogue-specific quests suck...) but here's one I didn't realize: Being honored with your faction and a Sergeant in the PvP honor system will reduce the total cost of your mount to 80 gold.

  • http://hollowartist.livejournal.com/28567.html Cosplay - squee! - Yeah, it's really a link to hollowartist's LJ, and most of you have her as a friend already, so you probably saw it, and it's mostly Suikoden related, but foo on you! This is my links of the week, and cosplay (especially Ridley cosplay) shall be shared with all!

  • http://www.comipress.bgdigital.net/ More manga News - They're apparently teaming up with http://www.manganews.net/ to put infos about manga on the internets. It doesn't seem to do anything better than MangaJouhou or Anime News Network, but it's another resource.

  • http://forums.palladium-megaverse.com/viewtopic.php?t=57048 Save Palladium! - They're suffering financial difficulties for various reasons, but if you want to help them, they need it. I'm going to pick up a print next week myself. I did love Rifts back in the day, even if I didn't get a chance to play it myself.

  • http://www.theirstar.com/ zomg, more Suikoden - OMG, I love their banner! Suiko5 4 life, y0. Another information source for us fangirls (and fanboys - we'll get you yet, slacker_elite).
  • link, cosplay, friday, suikoden, wow, gaming, manga, video games

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