Nov 30, 2010 21:31
Just to add to my Public Transport Adventures: yesterday my bus got delayed by a bunch of drunk hooligans standing in front of it, and thumping on the door and windows.
They'd been sitting at the stop, drinking and yelling, and not getting on the bus when everyone else did, but when the bus drove off they freaked and ran after it, kicking the door when the driver wouldn't open it again. It wasn't standing at the stop anymore so he had no obligation to let anyone on. So then The Idiots started yelling abuse at him and stood in front of the bus so that it couldn't drive off.
So we sat there and waited for the police to arrive. The driver just shut the doors and wouldn't open them, while The Idiots yelled and smoked and drank outside.
I wasn't really worried. They were just stupid, not overly violent. One of the guys actually apologised to us passengers (by, again, yelling through the windows; charming boy). He was more intent on pissing off the driver. It did delay the bus by 20 minutes though.
So what does that make? 1 train catching fire, 1 train breaking down, 1 bus breaking down, 2 buses getting crashed into by trucks, 2 buses getting lost, and 1 bus backing over a street sign... I think that's all. So far. x_x I've also witnessed from the bus window a car exploding into flames, and seen several people getting thrown off buses and trains by security because they were causing trouble, which always causes delays too. People, it's a jungle out there in the land of Public Transport.
I'm still trying to put together all my Christmas presents for a party this Saturday. I thought I was done. Then I had a brain wave last Sunday and now I have more to buy for two people, which means I have to buy more for everyone else too, just to even out how much I spend on everyone. *headdesk* So this week I've been running around like a headless chicken trying to track stuff down and the things I thought would be easy to find have proven to be irrationally difficult.
And I have yet to buy anything for my family.
life stuff